Lee - Member Journey


Meet Lee-Anne

Lee-Anne Started working with Strength Tribe in October 2020. Originally as a Physiotherapy client and then jumped into the Full Coaching Membership and well the rest is history.

She had always trained hard, eaten well and put the effort into improving herself. Like many people we work with, alot have have made good progress and jumped between many different training modalities and methods. Over time the progress slowed down, the niggles and injures started to appear and you start to burn out. We see this all the time.

Often what is needed is a well is a well thought out and structured plan that accounts for strength training, muscle building, structural balance and conditioning. Whether you start your journey from a Physiotherapy or directly into Coaching all paths lead to a well structured training plan that progresses over time.

Lee-Anne to this day does not identify as a Powerlifter but she has competed in 6 competitions and loves getting stronger each year. She competed in her first sanctioned competition in 2022, where she secured a 380 kg total and an invite to the 2022 APL nationals event. More recently Lee-Anne competed at the the Mayhem Classic at Underground Barbell in Bowral and secured herself a big total made up of:

Squat - 150 kg

Bench - 92.5 kg

Deadlift - 180 kg

Total - 422.5 kg

Amazing progress and journey Lee, thanks for trusting us with your Coaching and Physiotherapy!


Chris - Member Journey


Rich - APL Nationals 2022